Post by New Titania (TD) on Apr 4, 2005 10:25:45 GMT -5
OK, I'm going to start this off by completely scaring you all: I believe that there SHOULD be a "seperation of Church and State."
Calm down. Let me explain myself.
The Supreme Court said that the Constitution implied this. What is the Supreme Court's job? To interperet the Constitution.
I have learned that there are three "spheres" of authority: God, Church, and State.
If the State were to take over the Church, that WOULD NOT work (just look at Hitler for an example.) Likewise, if the Church were to take over the State (as it did in the Middle Ages) that could lead to disaster. Thus, there HAS TO BE a Seperation of church and state.
BUT (yes, there's always a but) if you refer to my three sphere thing, they are God, Church, and State. There needs to be a seperation between Church and State, but NOT God and State. We need to recognize that God gives power to all in authority (Romans 13:1-2.)
As to the Ten Commandments debacle, they SHOULD be allowed on public property. Why? Well, in Oklahoma, the top of the dome on our capitol has an Indian statue. That doesn't mean that we worship indians, but it shows that indians are an important part of our culture. As is the Ten Commandments and other religious symbolds. We're not forcing everyone to be Christians, but we are acknowledging that the U.S. was founded on Christian principles, and that our founding fathers believed that God was the distributer of Justice and Authority.
If I have completely confused you, just say so!
Post by Armany on Apr 4, 2005 17:33:56 GMT -5
Hmmm. . . A good point, but a point bound to be misconstrued. The separation of church and state only extends in such a way that each "sphere" should be protected from each other, not in a way in which the freedoms of each sphere are abridged.
Post by New Titania (TD) on Apr 4, 2005 22:56:17 GMT -5
It is good that the church doesn't take over the state v/versa, but WE MUST keep God in politics and our government.
Post by Zedonius on Apr 5, 2005 21:19:08 GMT -5